The Southeast Campus » School Dress Code

School Dress Code

dress code
Southeast Warrior's Dress Code
1. All school students grades PreK-12th grade will wear pants or slacks (no jeans) in good condition. Good condition is defined as clean, without holes, rips, or tatters.

2. Assigned Polo Shirt Colors
    a. PK- 5 Students can wear a Red or Yellow polo-style shirt (with a collar). T-shirts are not allowed
as an outer garment.
    b. 6-12 Students can wear Red or Yellow (with a collar). T-shirts are not allowed as
an outer garment.
    c. Girls can wear skirts, skorts, and jumpers, as well as shorts, as long as they are no shorter than 3” above the knee. 
    d. School Spirit shirts can also be worn any day of the week with uniform bottoms. 

3. The following footwear is not acceptable: slippers, high heels, shower shoes, or athletic slide type

4. Hats, du-rags, or skull caps are not to be worn on campus during school hours.

5. Articles of clothing, jewelry, tattoos, notebooks or other personal property promoting drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sex, gangs, or other topics deemed inappropriate by school officials will not be worn or brought to school. These items will be confiscated and will not be returned. Tattoos that promote any of the previously mentioned activities must be covered at all times while on school property or attending/participating in a school function.

6. Free Dress Days – Students may earn the privilege to wear free dress based on their attendance and as awarded throughout the school year. On these days, students may wear jeans and appropriate T-shirts. Participating boys may opt to wear shorts instead of jeans, and participating girls may opt to wear capri pants (length must be below the knee) instead of jeans.

If a student chooses not to comply with the campus dress code, a parent/guardian will be contacted to bring in the appropriate item. If an item is not changed, the student will be assigned Afternoon Detention. Repeated violations and/or skipping of detentions will be considered persistent misbehavior and could result in a three-day Out-Of-School suspension and/or referral to a disciplinary hearing for placement in an alternative school or expulsion.