Parents and Students » Bullying Report

Bullying Report

The Southwest Preparatory School District (SWPS) is committed to providing a positive learning environment for all students that enhances personal safety and promotes respect, dignity, and equality among students.  High standards are expected for both academic achievement and for behavior.


SWPS strives to ensure that all of its students and employees are free from bullying/cyberbullying, sexual harassment, dating violence, and sexual violence.  All charges of bullying/cyberbullying, sexual harassment, dating violence, and sexual violence are to be taken very seriously by students, faculty, staff, administrations, and parent/guardians.  SWPS will make every effort to handle and respond to every change and complaint filed by students and employees in a fair, thorough, and just manner.  Every effort will be made to protect the due process rights of all victims and all alleged perpetrators.


Students who believe they have been harassed, bullied, or otherwise victimized by fellow students or SWPS employees are encouraged to promptly report such incidents to the campus principal or other campus professional.  To the greatest extent possible, complaints shall be treated as confidential.  Limited disclosure may be necessary to complete a thorough investigation.  Specific forms have been developed for the written expression of these complaints to be made.  Other forms will be used to document actions taken by the school administration.


In accordance with David’s Law, students/parents/guardians, may anonymously report any incident of suspected bullying via the school website at or via a "bully box" located on each campus.


To report bullying, please email [email protected].