SASPC » How SASPC Can Help Your District

How SASPC Can Help Your District




Join the San Antonio Special Programs Co-op (SASPC)


Why join? The SASPC provides special education support and guidance through professional development, electronic records management systems, assessments, related services, support with reporting to TEA (policies and SPP data), ARD meeting support, and technical assistance as needed.  Members enjoy a cost reduction for related services as one related professional can be split among many schools saving the cost of a school from hiring an employee to provide those services.


Provides related services in the following:


  •      AI (Auditory Impairment) Services
  •      Counseling as a Related Service
  •      Occupational Therapy
  •      Orientation & Mobility Services
  •      Physical Therapy
  •      Speech Therapy
  •      VI (Visual Impairment) Services
  •      Other as required by IEP

What is the first step to joining? Contact the San Antonio Special Programs Co-op at (210) 447-9101 to schedule an appointment to discuss your school’s special education needs. The director will review your special education performance and suggest ways the co-op can assist in improving special education services provided. If it is decided that your school would benefit from joining the co-op, your school should get board approval and send a letter on school letterhead requesting membership no later than Jan.15th to be approved for membership the following school year.


What should the applying school submit to their board for co-op membership consideration? The district should provide the school board a copy of the Shared Service Arrangement (SSA) for review which outlines the responsibilities of the member schools and that of the fiscal agent (Southwest Preparatory School). Each joining school board should review those responsibilities before voting on co-op membership. The co-op can provide a sample resolution for the board to consider.


Will the district automatically be accepted once the coop receives my application? No. The SASPC board of directors vote to approve the district membership and provide notification immediately. Once approved, the request is submitted to TEA before the deadline of February 1.

How much does it cost? Member schools transfer their IDEA B funds to the SASPC to cover the costs of operational services to their school. Administrative costs are not covered by IDEA B funds so each member district pays a prorated cost of administrative fees.


Do members have a voice in how the money is spent? As a participating member district, the superintendent becomes a member of the SASPC board and takes part and votes on all issues including approval of the budget each year.