SASPC » Training Opportunities

Training Opportunities

Special Education Teacher Professional Development

  • Offered August 5th, 8th or 17th FOR NEW SE TEACHERS 8:30-4:30
    • Frontline: What to put where
    • New teacher 101 compliance
  • Offered August 10th or 18th FOR ALL SE TEACHERS 8:30-4:30
    • Case manager duties
    • Folder organization
    • Legal Updates:  what can we learn from last year
    • PLAAFP
    • Operating guidelines
      • ARD process
      • Evaluation process
      • Transfer students
      • Services
      • MDR
      • Transfer students

August 31st 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

How do I affectively work with my GE counterparts to support students’ with an IEP

September 14th 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Goal writing, PLAAFP alignment, Folder review, audit elements, compliance check in

October 26th 9:00 am to 4:00 pm  

Progress reporting, Folder Audit, STAAR/STAAR alt/TELPAS Alt accommodations, eligibility, AIPs, supplements, snapshot, and misc. ARD topics

November 30th 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Managing, documenting, and addressing challenging behaviors, strategies, interventions and implementation, FBA/BIP, MDR

January 11th 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Revision ARDs:  failures, MDR, Expulsions, Attendance, etc.

March 29th 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

HB 4545, failure ARDs, graduation ARDs, STAAR accommodation updates (2-week timeframe), SPP, folder audit

April 26th 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

End of year roles, responsibilities, procedures and updates



Paraprofessional Training

August 24th 9:00am to 4:00pm

What do I need to know?  Roles, responsibilities and supporting an inclusive classroom

September 21st 9:00am to 4:00pm

Managing, documenting, and addressing challenging behaviors: Strategies, interventions and implementation, Understanding the FBA/BIP

January 18th 1:00pm to 4:00pm

Topic TBD

April 26th 1:00pm to 4:00pm

End of year roles, responsibilities, procedures and updates


Parent Training offered via Zoom 9:00 am to 10:00 am

  • September 15th Parent involvement in the instructional process
  • October 13th Understanding the Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
  • November 10th Understanding the pathway of evaluation for dyslexia and special programs
  • February 16th What parents should know about secondary transition
  • April 6th Understanding state assessment (STAAR) and required accelerated instruction


Additionally:  The Educational Service Center 20 provides parent training.  Use the link below and search "Family Engagement" to find different topics for parents.


ESC 20 Family Engagement Training


Foster and Surrogate Training

Volunteers are needed to serve as surrogate parents.  If you are interested please contact the SASPC office at 210-447-9101. 


When is a Surrogate Parent Needed? 34 CFR §300.519

No parent can be identified

Parent cannot be located after reasonable efforts by the school district

The child is a ward of the State

The child is an unaccompanied homeless youth


If you are interested in becoming a surrogate you can complete the required training, save a copy of the training certificate and contact our office.


Foster and Surrogate Training Link