Teaching and Learning

District Level Supports
To provide this adaptive and effective learning environment, a strong systemic approach allows the district leaders to work weekly with campus leadership to determine the strengths and weaknesses for delivering instruction, which is utilized regularly. A two-pronged approach is used. Program Leads work with the campuses from the Operational Side: human resources, communication, IT, maintenance and transportation, finance, child nutrition programs, and communications.
On the opposite side, the Curriculum and Instructional Leads work to ensure the effective delivery of all programs: federal programs, CTE, professional learning communities, foreign language, gifted and talented, English Language Learners, 504, Dyslexia, and Special Education. The district seeks certified principals, instructional leaders, and teachers.
Campus Level Supports
At the campus level, job-embedded professional development is a weekly focus. The campus leadership team determines which of the four domains will be the focus for the week: facilitating student learning, planning for learning, mental, physical, and emotional learning, or campus responsibilities. A rubric is utilized for each domain to help narrow the focus. Walk-throughs are done regularly to support teacher growth and ensure student success.
In addition to job-embedded professional development, outside professional development is available as determined by campus and/or district leaders. The district is a member of the Educational Service Center and participates in numerous shared services and cooperative opportunities to maximize teacher learning. Campus leaders can determine what is best for their campus and the direction of their professional development.