Mr. Diego Torres-Siclait » SW Prepatory High School Math in Seguin

SW Prepatory High School Math in Seguin

Greetings folks,
This is page is for math-teaching related information. We teach Geometry, Algebra (I & II), Financial Math, and Credit recovery. We intend to explore how this old human tool, which has been around for centuries if not millennia, both functions and applies to the world today. We follow the Carnegie curriculum made by mathematicians carefully designed to guide inexperienced math users towards proficiency in this unique, universally-applicable, numerical-thinking and visual-thinking based language (primarily for any prospective scientists). With time allowing other tools can be explored including learning how to integrate pattern-based-learning with Large Language Artificial Intelligence Models (LLMs) such as the open source Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (a.k.a. ChatGPT AI Q&A prompt).