Mrs. Jeanette Flores » Posts


September Project
Due September 5th
This is going to be another great opportunity for us to learn a little more about you and your child.  Please have your child choose a parent, grandparent, sibling, aunt, uncle, or another person to share their profession with the class.  We will learn about the history of Labor Day and why we still celebrate it.

MAP testing

2nd and 3rd grade will be taking the MAP test sometime this week and possibily next week.  All students will be assessed in Reading and in Math.  We will use these assessments as benchmarks.  These assessments will be done again midyear and then at the end of the year the see the students' progress.  

First Homework Assignment

Good afternoon, parents.  In your child's communication folder you will find the first homwork assignment of the year.  We will not be doing too much homework, but we will have a project to complete almost every month.  I will make sure to give you ample time to work on it.  Thank you so much!

Today we learned about what we would do in the case of a dangerous intruder event.  We teach ALICE which stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate.  We learned where are meeting point is and how we would get there.  The students drew maps of the evacuation route to better remember what to do.  Ask your child about the Sheep, Shepard and Wolf drill to see what we talked about.

First Day

Good afternoon, parents.  Just wanted to let you know that we had a great first day of school.  It was so exciting to see all the kids interact with each other and get to know them all a little better.  This week we will be learning about the school, rules and procedure and building a strong classroom community.  We will begin curriculum next week so be on the lookout for more information.  And as always, please let me know if you have any questions.  Enjoy the rest of your day.