Mr. Skye Dicker » Welcome/Bienvenido!


Greetings kind visitors. Seen any good movies lately? I am the SE Campus Media Arts teacher. As such, I am excited for the 2023/2024 school year. And it's not just about movies! We study photography, art, audio/video pre-/post-production, stop-motion, green screen filming, CAREERS, Adobe software products, and more. 
My background includes a B.A in Theater, a B.S. in Social Work, and an MBA. I am married 12 years to a wonderful partner, Raquel, who speaks Spanish primarily so I practice my Spanish at home every day. It is a romance language, after all. 
This year I am celebrating 16 years of teaching. It is still a joy after all these years. The joy is in helping others, whether it is a student having an 'aha' moment or simply supervising a field trip. There's JOY in them there hills!
My favorite hobbies are swimming, biking, hiking and CHESS. We will be continuing our Chess Club this year. Our goal is to play in tournaments as often as possible. Any donations are much appreciated. 
I am excited and I look forward to working with our students in the coming school year. I can be reached through school e-mail, school phone or my personal telephone: (210) 473-2619. Warm regards.